Fun Bits App

Fun Bits

Capturing the hilarious things the kids say

Download for free for Android and iOS. No ads. No sign up required.

Never Miss a Memorable Quote

Kids say the most amazing things. Don't let those precious moments slip away - capture them forever with Fun Bits!

  • Quickly jot down the memorable things your kids (or friends or pets or ...) say or do
  • Organize the "fun bits" by kids (or friends or pets or ...)
  • Easily find the quotes you added
  • Share with your friends and family or the whole world
  • All on a nice and friendly interface
Fun Bits App Screenshot 1
Fun Bits App Screenshot 2
Fun Bits Fun Bits
Note apps Note apps
A journal A journal
A rock A rock
Always at hand yes yes no yes (likely in your kid's pocket)
Easy to jot down a quote yes yes yes no (need a chisel)
Easy to find quotes you wrote down yes no yes if you didn't lose the rock
Available for free yes sometimes no yes
Available for free on Android and iOS yes sometimes no no
Easy to share a quote yes no no once (we are not responsible for repair costs caused by "sharing" your rock)
Add photos next to the quotes coming soon sometimes not easily no
Fun to use absolutely nahh moderately depends
Made by passionate people corporations factories nature

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* suggestions for "Fun Bits" only please. The rock is already perfect.